4 items found
Keywords: "1.08-3002." (Contains)
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th7l75l2nlz86November 12, 1953. William Phillips, Lexington man charged with armed robbery at Boonesboro. Mrs. William Phillips, left, and Mrs. Lottie Matherly, right, holding Belinda Phillips; with an unidentified man far right.Image
ark:/16417/th7bzrfjtf9q2November 12, 1953. William Phillips, Lexington man charged with armed robbery at Boonesboro. Mrs. William Phillips, left, and William Phillips, right, holding Belinda Phillips.Image
ark:/16417/th7fshs2gx2ksNovember 12, 1953. William Phillips, Lexington man charged with armed robbery at Boonesboro. Portrait of William Phillips.Image
ark:/16417/th77x6lbzs3zxNovember 12, 1953. William Phillips, Lexington man charged with armed robbery at Boonesboro. Standing, from left to right, are County Police Chief Walter Franklin, William Phillips, and Lieutenant Milt Lawell.Image