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ark:/16417/th71284ltl8zh "The Great Lexington Trots" with women pictured sitting on stools.Image
ark:/16417/th71lftnw2d7xA day in the life of Ollie C. Leathers, rural mail carrier. Vernon Lee Langels getting mail from box. Image
ark:/16417/th7j296t4n0wvAction shots of University of Kentucky (UK)-Xavier University basketball game. December, 1947.
ark:/16417/th716n1zq9zq0African-American girls who won beginners' buttons at the Herald-Leader's Free Learn-To-Swim Course at Douglass Pool. Shown in the front row, left to right, are Ann Shirley Lewis, Mary Evelyn Johnson, Marietta Leake, Norma Lewis, Gladys Green, and Assistant Instructor Emily Mills. Shown in the second row, left to right, are Assistant Instructor Russell Hill, Jane Furr, Jane Benton, Patsy Taylor, Nanne Gentry, and Assistant Instructor Benjamin Hamilton.Image
ark:/16417/th772h4pf28trAlbert B. Chandler and Baxter Melton, both from Corydon, pictured at meeting of Rotary Club. Chandler is the United States Baseball Commissioner. Both men are graduates of the University of Kentucky.
ark:/16417/th7z8lmp1js3bAmerican Legion convention, 1952. Dancing in street. Legionnaires, from left to right, Chard Jeffries, Kelly Dull, Mickey Jansing, and Frenchy Wilson, with several unidentified men and women watching in the background.Image
ark:/16417/th7v8lb93r6drAmerican Legion convention, 1952. Portrait of Miss Hilda Gay Mayberry, champion baton twirler.Image
ark:/16417/th7d68v83h8p3Aqua-cycle, motorless conveyance for duck-hunters and fishermen, occupied by Charles Gregory, left, and Bob West.
ark:/16417/th71nx9gjg8mrArco Begley pictured making over his Lee county farm. Mr. Begley fishing.
ark:/16417/th713z3jz2z6gBlue Grass Day crowd shots Main and Limestone streets.
ark:/16417/th7921crjh271Blue Grass Review. Scenic Kentucky. Cliff and Mountains near Natural Bridge.Image
ark:/16417/th76mmf8c0dl3Bourbon county fair. Unidentified men and women lined-up and paired each with a cow.Image
ark:/16417/th7199fgr55hgBoy in Western attire, accompanies mother on Main Street in downtown Lexington.
ark:/16417/th710jsrdvnmjBugler at Keeneland. October, 1950.
ark:/16417/th71cz482bc1nBugler at Keeneland. October, 1950.
ark:/16417/th71nffkzq59zCarl Cummins, confined to wheel chair, participates in games at new playground at old Douglass school. Taylor Seals, a director, at left.Image
ark:/16417/th75z9t3b5jxqCharles Dorroh, University of Kentucky senior, sitting on section of pipe that will feed steam to Memorial Coliseum
ark:/16417/th7181gvn8d3sChihuahua pup measured next to pack of cigarettes.Image
ark:/16417/th71gcl4vn3scChristmas decorations in the Phoenix Hotel, stockings on a mantel.Image
ark:/16417/th71bdh7vv37dCommunity Chest Drive. Group of children standing at microphone. November 1950. Image