3 items found
Keywords: "1.01-322." (Contains)
Sorted by Identifier
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th7t61ql6gk01Scenes as Iroquois Hunt Club sponsors horse show, horse pulling contest, and beef barbecue October 12, 1946 at W. Fauntleroy Pursley's farm on Athens-Boonesboro Road. Horse pulling contest.
ark:/16417/th7nkwrlm8811Scenes as Iroquois Hunt Club sponsors horse show, horse pulling contest, and beef barbecue October 12, 1946 at W. Fauntleroy Pursley's farm on Athens-Boonesboro Road. Miss Betsy Nunn and Miss Jane Walker kibitz behind Laura Russell and Arnold Kirkpatrick, who are intent on their bingo game.
ark:/16417/th719k5xnb573Scenes as Iroquois Hunt Club sponsors horse show, horse pulling contest, and beef barbecue October 12, 1946 at W. Fauntleroy Pursley's farm on Athens-Boonesboro Road. Mr. Pursley, left, chats with Len Shouse, who assisted at the barbecue counter.