5 items found
Keywords: "1.03-142." (Contains)
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th7lnp1czv9s7Picture layout in connection with opening of Isolation Ward at Saint Joseph Hospital. Dr. Ben Roach, left, and Dr. S. L. Gabby Jr., right, examining an iron lung.
ark:/16417/th7p0j396g6ntPicture layout in connection with opening of Isolation Ward at Saint Joseph Hospital. Gloria Ryan, student nurse, demonstrates treatment of poliomyelitis.
ark:/16417/th7108r0503dzPicture layout in connection with opening of Isolation Ward at Saint Joseph Hospital. Hallway in St. Joseph's communicable disease isolation ward furnished with a statue of The Sacred Heart, with arms extended in blessing.
ark:/16417/th74c096vj181Picture layout in connection with opening of Isolation Ward at Saint Joseph Hospital. Room for patients admitted to isolation ward. February 1948.
ark:/16417/th7q4wnx73jrcPicture layout in connection with opening of Isolation Ward at Saint Joseph Hospital. Rose Marie Martin, student nurse, demonstrates use of a face mask resuscitator.