4 items found
Keywords: "1.05-2322." (Contains)
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th79ksgn1n761Inquiring Reporter gets opinions as to adequacy of clothing during cold weather. Portrait of Haden Kirkpatrick in front of a pipe display.
ark:/16417/th7x3csxgt7kvInquiring Reporter gets opinions as to adequacy of clothing during cold weather. Portrait of M.G. Karsner.
ark:/16417/th78kkqrlbjx7Inquiring Reporter gets opinions as to adequacy of clothing during cold weather. Portrait of Miss Irma Russell standing on a downtown street.
ark:/16417/th71qwtb4nv1rInquiring Reporter gets opinions as to adequacy of clothing during cold weather. Portrait of Miss Virginia Wade in a record store.