3 items found
Keywords: "1.06-1600." (Contains)
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th71hqhh85zqhA raid on a second floor room on West Short street resulted in the arrest of six people and confiscation of gambling equipment and telephones. Patrolman Gilbert Hay looks over the wall sheets.
ark:/16417/th7nw9nr458q1A raid on a second floor room on West Short street resulted in the arrest of six people and confiscation of gambling equipment and telephones. Sergeant O. S. McCaw, left, and Patrolman George Nichols look over some confiscated equipment.
ark:/16417/th71qmn693plbA raid on a second floor room on West Short street resulted in the arrest of six people and confiscation of gambling equipment and telephones. Woodrow Ham, named by police as operator of the book, leaves the building as Patrolman J. Harrison Sallee watches.