8 items found
Keywords: "1.08-2551." (Contains)
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th7q6n1pg8930Jaycees parachute jump starting Kentucky Air Tour. Assistants help Mayfield spill his parachute. Image
ark:/16417/th71jmvtdv3srJaycees parachute jump starting Kentucky Air Tour. Ayers, who suffered a fractured right ankle in landing, being taken to Good Samaritan hospital.Image
ark:/16417/th7x5rh5gknv8Jaycees parachute jump starting Kentucky Air Tour. Johnston being assisted by company employees in claiming his chute. Image
ark:/16417/th790gnc7jqvkJaycees parachute jump starting Kentucky Air Tour. Man starting jump.Image
ark:/16417/th71pp2mblsc1Jaycees parachute jump starting Kentucky Air Tour. Mayfield, top, and Ayers on the way down.Image
ark:/16417/th71f7xnhcc8tJaycees parachute jump starting Kentucky air tour. Parachuter landing.Image
ark:/16417/th76r1tbvfdn4Jaycees parachute jump starting Kentucky Air Tour. Parachuters descending.Image
ark:/16417/th7jkw0pv7cr0Jaycees parachute jump starting Kentucky Air Tour. Tom Mayfield starting his jump.Image