5 items found
Keywords: "1.13-90." (Contains)
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th713qfqcnm54Cole Brothers Circus background shots, Lexington, May, 1945. Portrait of clown putting on make-up.
ark:/16417/th73pnv5qrn0zCole Brothers Circus background shots, Lexington, May, 1945. Portrait of female circus performer coming out of tent.
ark:/16417/th7shzh6wfx45Cole Brothers Circus background shots, Lexington, May, 1945. Portrait of man riding elephant.
ark:/16417/th7vjmjg4mbtgCole Brothers Circus background shots, Lexington, May, 1945. Portrait of Phoenix Hotel, 10 East Main Street, and the Phoenix Pharmacy, 100 East Main Street.
ark:/16417/th71r7bf9btgfCole Brothers Circus background shots, Lexington, May, 1945. Shot of workers preparing concession stands.