3 items found
Keywords: "1.01-413." (Contains)
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Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th71922722f3vPicket line. Carpenters pictured as work was halted on the P. Lorillard Tobacco Co.'s redrying plant off West Main Street. November, 1946.
ark:/16417/th71n8d6shmlhPicket line. Carpenters pictured as work was halted on the P. Lorillard Tobacco Co.'s redrying plant off West Main street. These picketers set up their line at 8 a.m. Approximately 300 other workers of allied crafts also joined the walkout, in sympathy with the carpenters, who demanded a 20-cent-an-hour pay increase.
ark:/16417/th7jtrqx50dz2Picket line. Carpenters pictured as work was halted on the P. Lorillard Tobacco Company's redrying plant off West Main street. November, 1946.