6 items found
Keywords: "1.07-100." (Contains)
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th737lsn3dbrxA seller pushed buttons to the mechanical totalistor at Keeneland racetrack.Image
ark:/16417/th710htpxjs9kKeeneland fans picked horse before betting at the mechanical totalisator.Image
ark:/16417/th77sr8dkx6whKeeneland fans picked horse for betting at the racetrack.Image
ark:/16417/th71bq6smqgvfKeeneland technician Mel Heiner serviced a bank of lights in the tote board.Image
ark:/16417/th7107qg16889Mechanical Totalisator at Keeneland. Lines of unidentified men and women at the betting windows waiting to place bets on the next race.Image
ark:/16417/th7zrwnlc455hUnidentified man studied the Keeneland board.Image