5 items found
Keywords: "1.07-811." (Contains)
Sorted by Subject
Identifier Title Type Subject
ark:/16417/th7614f6jlj3xLouis Nichols pictured on stretcher after his accident on Richmond Road. March 1952.Image
ark:/16417/th7n7cpf2sbr4Man pictured helping Louis Nichols out of his car after an accident on the Richmond road. March 1952.Image
ark:/16417/th73wzw0n5n58Overturned car pictured in relation to Gibson-Lawson automobile accident. Farm pasture and shed can be seen in background. March 1952.Image
ark:/16417/th7vgqbwdkn6lUnidentified men pictured attending to unidentified man on ground in relation to Gibson-Lawson automobile accident. March 1952.Image
ark:/16417/th71nnzglgkrqWrecked, abandoned car pictured in relation to Gibson-Lawson automobile accident. March 1952.Image